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Treats every could you not?

Sign up now to our Monthly Cookie Club to try out new products before anyone else and get a box of 3 treats delivered to your door every month with at least 15% off the standard pricing in our store. Your monthly mystery treat box could be made up of filled cookies, cookie pie, brownies and more - with exciting new flavour combinations to try out!

  • 3 Month Cookie Club Subscription

    Every 3 months
    Our gluten free treat box of the month delivered straight to your door every month for 3 months, with a minimum RRP of £13
    • 10% off when you sign up for 3 months or more
    • A box of 3 tasty treats, all 100% gluten free
    • Option to choose dairy free too
    • Access to new products before they're released to the public
    • Price includes postage and packaging
  • Monthly Cookie Club Subscription

    Every month
    Our gluten free treat box of the month delivered straight to your door, with a minimum RRP of £13
    • A box of 3 tasty treats, all 100% gluten free
    • Option to choose dairy free too
    • Access to new products before they're released to the public
    • Price includes postage and packaging
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